1·The fast buck is in tips.
2·Speculators eager to earn a fast buck often wind up in bankruptcy.
3·These companies are just out to make a fast buck by selling stocks.
4·But Golden City was supposed to represent more than just a fast buck.
5·This permitted him to make a fast buck. My friend makes it some quick easy money dishonestly.
6·He illegally changed the financial records of the company. This permitted him to make a fast buck.
7·But some of the local JV partners, many of them without experience in life insurance, seem to have been more interested in making a fast buck.
8·Of course, this comes with a bit of a caveat: the only people who can afford to forbear making a fast buck are those who've made a few fast bucks already.
9·Long before he began trying to sell his philosophy to professional basketball players, Nets Coach Lawrence Frank used his creativity and persuasive power to make a fast buck.
10·Ron Conway, a well-known investor in tiny firms, has privately castigated some of his fellow super angels for having overinflated egos and for appearing too keen to make a fast buck.